by Prime Tech Solutions Ltd



Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has been implementing Sustainable Forests & Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project during July 2018 - June 2023 in 17 Forest Divisions around the country. The overall objective of the project is to improve collaborative forest management and increase access to alternative income generation activities for forest-dependent communities in targeted sites.The main objective of this assignment is to develop community module for improving Forest Management Information System (FMIS) under SUFAL. Specific objectives of the assignment are: i. To develop online platform along with customized database of beneficiary/community profiling and AIGAs to be hosted as functional Community Module under BFIS; ii. To facilitate online transactions by designing Community Module and elaborating into functional components: (a) Collaborative Forest Management (CFM),(b) Protected Area Co-Management (CMC), (c) Trees outside Forests (Social Forestry), (d) Community Livelihoods (AIG transactions and management of revolving funds) (e) Capacity Development (training and awareness events) (f) Labor database out of project beneficiaries, and (g) Market Information System (synchronize once available). iii. Reporting with data extraction tools for real-time community activity monitoring; iv. Develop User Manual and conduct hands-on training of the assigned users from FD, NGO and Communities on the use of the Community Module.